Continuous growth and advanced management
allowed SeaBird Marine Services to become one of
the market leaders In Suez Canal area and
all Egyptian Ports in both fields of Ship chandler &
Suez Canal Transit agency
Welcome to Seabird Web Site
The Company is Managed by specialized Personnel We guarantee not
only "door to door" transportation but also Integrated
transportation we concentrate on several meanings the non stoppable
quick careful just in time non exaggerating cost less barriers less
bureaucracy and more secure container transportation
Our strategy is to develop and master all the existing shipping and
forwarding knowledge with the fast moving world of shipping
industries also the complete satisfaction of our customers.
Our Wide Range of Services Includes:
Ship agents
Ship brokers and Chartering of all kinds of Vessels
Freight forwarders (Ocean - Air)
Custom Clearance
Spare Parts clearance
General ship Suppliers & marine works/ contractors
Crew change
Technical supervision, underwater inspection & general survey
Our main objective in serving our customers is to gain their
confidence by putting our performance into safeguarding their
interests to the best of our ability.
Besides, we are in good relationship with shippers, receivers,
,forwarders, agents, shipping lines, maritime chambers and competent
authorities in EGYPT, which we can rely on their assistance and
co-operation when solving any problems and/or disputes within the
frame work of the Egyptian local port regulations.
We act as Full agents for all kinds of vessels, tonnages calling all
major Egyptian ports.
All types of general cargo vessels ,tramp handling with high
efficient staff in all Egyptian ports wit high efficiency, smooth
Bulk cargo vessels, Tankers, Heavy lifts and project cargo.
Our Network of Relations allow us to Operate vessels Efficiently and
We can act also as - Ship brokers for all kinds of vessels as:
general cargo Vessels
break bulk
conventional ships.
International freight forwarding, Air and Sea for all Destinations
Import and Export.
LCL and consolidated cargoes.
Door to door Services
Integrated logistics.
Project cargo and Heavy Lifts.
Cargo Booking through our network of Agents.
Land transportation to all destinations
All Kinds of Import Cargoes
All Kinds of Export Cargoes
All Cargo in Transit
We provide our customers consultation concerning any potential
imported or exported products in order to avoid risk taking prior
importing or exporting.
Our staff can provide consultation to our customer due to their
extensive exposure and dealing with the customs department locally
and internationally through our strategically based agents worldwide
Spare Parts clearance
Ship's Spares in Transit To and From the vessels in all Egyptian
ports, Alexandria, Suez, Damietta, Port Said and Suez Canal.
All Kinds of Import Cargoes
All Kinds of Export Cargoes
All Cargo in Transit
We provide our customers consultation concerning any potential
imported or exported products in order to avoid risk taking prior
importing or exporting.
Our staff can provide consultation to our customer due to their
extensive exposure and dealing with the customs department locally
and internationally through our strategically based agents worldwide
Spare Parts clearance
Ship's Spares in Transit To and From the vessels in all Egyptian
ports, Alexandria, Suez, Damietta , Port Said and Suez Canal.
Cargo ,Ship surveys
Damage surveys
Technical Supervision
Underwater Inspections
Bunkers surveys
Cargo inspections
Tally surveys
Hull and machinery
Draft surveys
Hold and tanks surveys.
are a shipping agency settled in Suez
(Head Office),
as shipping agents we carry out the activities of ship's
agents,forwarders,and loading/unloading
agents,Enrichedwith personal and professional experiences of
more than twenty nine years in The shipping sector. Our company
has been acting as subagents in all ports in Egypt. |
wide experience enables us to provide a reliable and
professional service in shipping for any type of vessel and port
operations. Needless to say we are also qualified agents for
regular shipping lines. We are full agent and representative
ship owner's for transit Suez canal. |
will make every effort to offer you the best possible services
and collaboration through our head office with all the attention
that your business requires. |
hope mutual co-operation by way of brokerage or commission that
of which return by the benefits between our company in Egypt and
other world wide partners. We offer the facilities toward grow
the business |
perform shipping agency for unlimited tonnage vessels at all
over the Egyptian ports providing the following:
estimation Of Port dues keep owners / charterers,
Informed before ship's arrival With All prospects of
discharging / Loading / Berthing etc...
information about After office hour /
Mobile phones of agency department.
Quick berthing
for your vessels
all aspects of cargo, Also collect / dispatch
documents, submit time sheet if requested.
vessel Sailing following documents will be faxed without any
Elimination, Duly signed and stamped from all parties
our offices and teams we perform smooth and efficient transit: |
Registration at
the canal authorities
Settlement of
costs differentials within 72 hours of transit.
Advice on all
documentation required by the Suez canal authority.
Canal rebates.
Preparation of
bookings and any requirements.
Smooth transit
without delay.
Crew change.
sign on/off.
cash to master,
medical care.
Supply of
provisions, spare parts,
foodstuff, bunkers, fresh water, charts.
Repair and
maintenance during transit.
We Cooperates with
a number of well established agents that operate world wide and we
have managed to gain their loyalty through our sense of
professionalism and efficient business management.
We are specialist in
shipping, loading and discharge services. We cover all Egyptian
ports. Our quest is to be your eyes and ears 24/7 to ensure a safe,
quick turn-around for your vessels stay.
SeaBird started to work as agent for both
port-calls and Suez canal transit. SeaBird has mean while proven to
provide an efficient interface between our principals and port
authorities and other service providers, authorities.
Our services include -but are not limited- to:
- fully represent the interest of the principal.
- coordinate all vessel operations with Suez Canal plus the
terminals / ports.
- Document control.
- Provide part of terminal information prior to vessel fixture /
- Manage all funds, transfers and payments within Egypt.
- Coordinate all crew and chandlery requirements.
- Arrange and supply bunkers.
- Obtain documentation/ invoices and verify as appropriate.
- Prepare final disbursement accounts.
- Keep principals advised at all time.
- Accurate situation reports.
- Faster turnaround of vessels.
- Crew / vessel requirements handled by your own agent.
- Feedback on local developments and assistance with Suez Canal and
port information as required.
- Capable of assisting owners / operators in obtaining berths sooner
in periods of congestion.
- Capable of assisting owners / operators in berthing / un berthing
after regular hours
Both time charters and voyages
charters entered into after 1 July 2004 will contain clauses which
address the ISPS Code. The BIMCO has published ISPS clauses for both
voyages and time charter parties, which in essence provide that all
delays, costs or expenses which result from the ship not being ISPS
compliant will be for the owners account. Delays, costs or expenses
which results from the port facility not being ISPS compliant will
be for charterers account, unless caused by the owners negligence.
There is also a separate security clause for voyages charters
involving calls at ports in United States. It is strongly
recommended that brokers familiarise themselves with these clauses
which can be found on BIMCOs website, www.bimco.bk . Intertanko has
also produced a clause for time charters, and the club has also been
informed that some major charteres such as Cargill and ExxonMobil,
are formulating their own clauses. In such cases it is important
that the broker brings their usage to the attention of his
At this stage, it seems to be the
general understanding that the ISPS Code has had fewer implications
for shipping intermediaries, such as ship-agents and shipbrokers,
than was predicted. However, in order to minimize exposure to
potential claims that the intermediary has caused or contributed to
losses to principals, it is or paramount importance that a
ship-agent knows the legal framework in which he operates and for a
broker to ensure that the appropriate clauses are incorporated into
charter parties.
our Wide connections through our partners in Novorsysk,
Constansaza and Greece |
our direct Connection with Turkish ,Syrian and Ukrainian Markets |
provide all kinds of marine Supplies, Bunkers supplies,
Provisions, bonded stores, deck supplies, engine supplies,
marine paints, safety equipment, and spare parts. |
our network of connections and professional standard of our
services we provide competitive prices.
Cargo Surveys and Inspections.
Cargo Condition Surveys.
Cargo Loss Surveys.
Damage Surveys.
Hull and Machinery Inspections.
Draft Surveys.
Bunkers Surveys.
Hold and Tanks Cleanliness Surveys.
Supervision of Marine contractors
and Ship's repairs.
Crew Change:
We attend the reception and boarding the
crew , saving time and money. Owners are requested to hand over to
the crew a letter addressed to whom it may concern , mentioning
name, nationality, number of seaman's book. rank and name of vessel
the crew will join. Visas for crew may member, owners
representative, so that we may advise you the possibilities of
joining the vessel.
Hotels according to your request
Bunkering facilities are available at our ports and we have
capable team to stem and achieve fast deliveries of bunkers and
Other Services
01 Ship's Register Certificate
02 Safety Equipment Certificate
03 Safety Radio Certificate
04 Safety Construction Certificate
05 Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (I.O.P.P.)
06 International Load Line Certificate (L.L.)
07 International Tonnage Certificate (1969)
08 Min. Safe Manning Certificate No ( ):
The License of Crew: No ( ):
Crew List:
09 Safety Management Certificate (S.M.C.)
10 Document of Compliance (D.O.C.)
11 Classification Certificate
12 Document of Compliance Dangerous Goods
13 Medical Certificate (Pharmacy)
14 Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (S.O.P.E.P.)
15 Cargo Securing Manual
Stability Calculation
17 Garbage
Management Plan
International Ship Security Certificate
Date of Issue is required for all the above
mentioned certificates.
Ships Vessels Sale Purchase - marketplace
View online or right click and select "Save target
as..." to download the file.
Download Our Suez Canal Transit Guide
Advice to Shipmasters
Southbound Transits (MS Word format)
Northbound Transits (MS
Word format)

Always visit our Blog in


International Federation of Freight Forwarders Association

The Baltic and International Maritime Council

International Air Transport Association

Egyptian International Freight
Forwarding Association
Said International Trade Point
Port Said Port Authority
Titanium Bar Rectangular, hexagon, and other shapes of titanium bar available at great prices.
Above Ground Swimming Pools High quality above ground swimming pools with manufacturer direct pricing.
Links : |
Al-Ahram |
newsletter |
Bibliotheca Alexandria |
Library website |
Egypts ministry of foreign affairs |
website |
SeaBird Suez Transit |
Transit & port
call agency |
Mbendi |
business website |
Suez Canal |
News from the
area |
Maritime Institutes,
Councils & Associations Links
Maritime Portals,
gateways, & resources
Glossaries &
Alan Hartley's Maritime Language Page
As They Say On the River
Dictionary of Western Rivers towing)
Chris Morrison's Small Maritime Lexicon and Dictionaries from 18th
& 19th Century Maritime Textbooks
Definitions and Mnemonics for Sailors and Powerboaters
A Dictionary of Sea Terms, 1841/1851
(From Richard Henry
Dana's The Seaman's Friend )
An English - German Nautical Dictionary
(At Mehrrumpfboote Aktuell)
A Glossary of Nautical Terms
(Circa 1814)
A Guide for the Perplexed
(Translations of all "non-English"
phrases in Patrick O'Brian's sea-tales)
Igor Votava's Shipmodeling Vocabulary
An Illustrated Glossary of Square Rigger Terminology
An International Bibliography of Nautical Dictionaries
A Jerriais-English Maritime Vocabulary
A Jerriais-French-English Fishermen's Vocabulary
Jim Stein's Nautical Dictionary
Julian Dixon's Polylingual Translating Dictionary and Glossary for
Viking Ships and Other Ancient Sailing Craft
(To and from
English and various languages, dead and living)
Ken Turner's English-French Dictionary of Sailing Terms
Links to Online Nautical Dictionaries(Compiled by the
International Conference on Maritime Terminology)
A List of Commonly Used US Coast Guard Acronyms
Maritime Etymology
(Online Dutch, German, French, Swedish and
English glossaries and dictionaries)
Model Boat Glossary
The Modern Mariner Glossary
(Also the
Classic Sea Terms and Shipping Terms glossaries)
A Nautical European Dictionary (Common nautical terms in
English, Turkish, German, French & Spanish)
Nautical Phrases and the Origins of Some Present Day Expressions
A New Universal Dictionary of the Marine
(The 1815 edition of
Falconer's marine Dictionary, scanned images online)
Old Salt Talk
(Links to glossaries and dictionaries)
Parliamo Scots? Ships and the Sea
(Colloquial Scots terms)
Peter D. Green's Nautical Words and Terminology Page
A Portuguese-Spanish-English-French Nautical Dictionary
SchoonerMan's Schooner Vocabulary
Sea Wake's Spanish Dictionary of Sea Terms
Ship-Masonry from Betina: Etymological Vocabulary of Traditional
Terminology (Croatian shipbuilding voc.)
Ships' Measurements (Definitions for the
most common measurements used in navigation)
TerraX.org's Glossary of Boating Terms
A United States Merchant Marine Glossary of Maritime Terms and
Definitions (Circa 1944)
William Falconer's Dictionary of the Marine
(1780 edition)
Wisconsin Sea Grant's Glossary of Nautical Terms
A Yachting Dictionary of General Information(From the 1913
edition of Dixon Kemp's Manual of Yacht and Boat Sailing and
Architecture ) |
Maritime Classified
Apollo Duck Australia (Free classified ads
for boats, equipment, services and property)
Apollo Duck Canada (Free classified ads for boats, equipment,
services and property)
Apollo Duck Ireland (Free classified ads for boats, equipment,
services and property)
Apollo Duck
New Zealand (Free classified ads for boats, equipment, services
and property)
Apollo Duck South Africa (Free classified ads for boats,
equipment, services and property)
Apollo Duck UK (Free classified ads for boats, equipment,
services and property)
Apollo Duck US (Free classified ads for boats, equipment,
services and property)
Boatdealers.ca (A directory of boat dealers and service
centres, boats for sale & wanted listings)
Boat Estate Online Boating & Marine Classifieds (Australia)
BoatJunkie.com (Free classifieds)
Boat Owners World (Free classifieds)
Boat Parts Network (New and used boat parts)
The Boatreference (Second-hand & new, boats, sailing boats,
motorboats, boat charters)
Boats and Outboards (UK based site offering free ads for
boats, outboards and marine equipment)
Boatsville (Ads for new and used boats)
BoatXchange - Used Boats - Sell a boat (Used boats for sale,
boat auctions, boat classifieds)
CaptainsNow.com (Free boating classifieds)
Fish 4 Fun (Fishing gear classified ads)
Great Lakes Sail for Sale (Free classifieds)
MarineEngine.com (Free photo classified ads for marine engines
of all kinds)
OldBoat.com (Free photo classified ads for any pre-1970
powerboat or parts, antique, historic, classic, or old boat)
Puget Sounder ("The online boating rag" free classifieds)
Restore-Online (Ads for project boats and parts for sale and
Rocky Mountain Boat & RV Net (Boat and RV classified ads)
Small Boat Forum Free Classified Ads
Thinkswapmeet.com (Classified ads for all things old: boats,
tools, boat hardware, and more)
USBoatAds (Boat and watercraft classifieds, free photos in ads)
Watercraft.gs (Free classified ads) |
Admiralty Ship Sales (Ship auctioneers, Durban, South Africa)
Advance Auctions (Marine auctions, Sydney, Australia)
AuctionSail.com (Boats and boating accessories auctions)
BigBoats.com Auction (Accessories, collectibles, etc.)
BoatXchange - Used Boats - Sell a boat (Used boats for sale,
boat auctions, boat classifieds)
MarineBid.com, Inc. ("Auctioning everything marine including
boats and yachts")
My Boat Link (Collaborative marketplace for buying, selling,
and trading boats, gear and accessories)
Sailbay (Marine online auctions)
US Auctions (Specializing in the sale of insurance salvage and
storm damaged boats) |
Maritime Webcams
Seaport Web Cams for pictures of various ports and docks.
Allette Energy's Lake Cam (Duluth, Minnesota)
The Block Island New Harbor Webcam
The Copper Harbor Webcam (Copper Harbor, Michigan)
EagleHarborcam.com (Eagle Harbor, Michigan)
The Friday Harbor WebCam
The Great Lakes Aquarium Web Cam (A view of the harbor and
lift bridge at Duluth)
Great Lakes Maritime Institute Live Detroit River Cam(From the
Dossin Great Lakes Museum on Belle Isle)
Harbor Vista Park WebCam and Weather Conditions (Overlooking
the Siuslaw River entrance)
The Kennebunkport WebCam
The Lakeland Cam (Different photos of the English Lake
District daily)
The Maine Webcams Network
The Mystic Seaport WebCam
National Weather Service, Portland's Coastal Cams Collective
The Newport, Oregon Skycam (Shots of Yaquina Bay and the port
of Newport)
SeaBird Cams Around the World
Oregon Coast Web Cameras
Oregon/Washington Coast Weather Cams
Panama Canal Live Cameras (Miraflores Locks, Gatun Locks,
Centennial Bridge)
SchoonerCam (Watching the building of the schooner Virginia in
Norfolk, Virginia)
The Scilly Webcam (Scilly Isles, UK)
US Army Corps of Engineers Cold Regions Webcams
Bulk Sms Api
Cheap Airfare
Manchester shipping
Electronics, Instruments & Communications
Anchor Express (Online retailer of marine electronics and GPS
equipment, Quincy, Massachusetts)
Aqua-Vu (Tiny remote underwater video cameras)
At Sea Electronics, Inc. (US and international distributor for
marine radio/tv entertainment antenna systems manufactured by Naval
Electronics AB of Malmo, Sweden)
AutoNav Marine Systems Inc. (Marine computers, network
instruments, autopilots)
Bethel Marine Electronics Inc. (A Florida based retail and
wholesale marine electronics dealer for all major brands of
BlackWatch Marine (Online sales of gauges and instruments)
BlueRay Marine Boating Security Systems
Bluewater Books & Charts (Navigation instruments)
Brunei Bay Radio (HF radio & HF e-mail services for recreation
vessels in Asia, & Indian SeaBird)
Canadian Marine Wavespeedometer Ltd. (Electronic speed
measurement instruments)
Celestaire Marine and Air Navigation Instruments (Navigation
Centroid Products (Maker of computerized tank gauges)
Coast to Coast Marine (Marine and fishing electronics sales)
CruzPro Electronic Boat Instruments, Alarms and Monitors
Dockyard Electrics (Sales of electronics and accessories,
Chaguaramas, Trinidad)
exoMarine (Online sales of gauges and instruments)
Faria Instruments (Engine monitoring gauges and meters)
FindAnyManual.com (PDF copies of manuals for marine
Furuno USA, Inc. (Radar, fish finders, radios, etc.)
Global Wireless (HF radio maritime communications service
Glomex (Radio, TV & GPS antennas, cables and accessories, Italy)
GPS Receiver Manufacturers, System Integrators, Equipment
Suppliers, and Service Providers (Listing provided by the
Canadian Space Geodesy Forum and the University of New Brunswick)
Guardian Instruments (Line tension and payout monitors, crane
load monitoring instruments)
Hamilton Global Management (Navigation equipment wholesaler,
H. F. Radio On Board (Equipment for marine SSB, HAM,
satellite, e-mail)
Humminbird (Manufacturer of fishfinders, GPS, radios and
Icom America Marine Radios
Information Management Consultants Ltd.(IMC, maritime data
communications, satellite communications & software, internet
Inmarsat (Global mobile satellite communications)
John's Cheapo Anemometer (A windsurfer's inexpensive home-brew
Klein Associates Inc. (Manufacturer of side scan sonar
systems, sub-bottom profilers and related instruments and
accessories, Salem, New Hampshire)
Knotstick Sailboat Speedometers (Simple, inexpensive strain
measuring chip logs)
Landfall Navigation (Navigation equipment)
Litton Guidance & Control Systems (G&CS, a developer and
producer of inertial navigation systems for military applications)
Lowrance Electronics, Inc. (Sonar, GPS, and aviation
Magellan Systems (GPSs)
Marble Marine Electronics (Manufacturer of electronic
equipment for commercial ships, The Netherlands)
Marine Computing International Ltd. (Navigation software and
The Marine Electronics Homepage (A Guide to marine electronics
companies, sites & info around world)
The Marine Electronics Webring
MarineNet(Radio to internet high speed marine messaging
MarinersXchange (Marine consignment store, Steveston, British
Marine Sonic Technology, Ltd. (Side scan sonar systems)
Maritime Mobile Service Network (Amateur radio third party
communications network)
The Maritime Radio Historical Society
Message Center Inc. (Marine/maritime communications, telephone
answering services)
Moor Electronics (Sailing & trolling instruments)
National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA)
Marine TV Antennas (Marine TV antenna systems for Navy, merchant
shipping, work boats and fine yachts)
NorCross Marine Products (Maker of portable fish finders and
depth sounders)
North Sea Navigator, Inc.(Magnetic compasses, compass
adjusting service, clocks, barometers, sextants, plotting tools,
charts, binoculars, radar reflectors, etc.)
Ockam Instruments (For racing sailboats)
Pinpoint Systems International (Navigation hardware and
Quest Telecom International (Satellite communications systems)
Raytheon Marine
Richard Paul Russell Limited (Pocket anemometers)
SailMail (Email services for yachts via marine HF SSB radio)
Saint Brendan's Isle (Mail, message and chandlery service to
cruising clients who are living and traveling aboard their boats)
Scantron Ltd. (Seascan and Echoplus ground discrimination
systems that interface with existing echosounders and plotters)
Servicios Nauticos SRL (Raytheon, Garmin, Shakespeare dealer,
Colonia, Uruguay)
Shakespeare Composites & Electronics (Radios, fiberglass
reinforced composite antennas)
Simrad AS (Manufacturer of Simrad, Shipmate, Robertson and
Navico Marine electronics
Snake River Electronics (Maker of Acugage tank level
monitoring systems)
Speedtech Instruments (Windspeed, waterspeed and depth gauges)
Star Marine Depot (Online sales of marine electronics)
Stratos (Marine satellite services, mobile satellite
Telson Communications (GPS navigation equipment)
Thomas Distributing (NiMH batteries, chargers, etc.)
Transas (Maker of navigation systems)
Trimble Navigation Limited ("The GPS Solution")
Uniden Electronics
The University of Rhode Island Foundation(Marine electronics
and other miscellaneous equipment for sale)
Waterman Services ("Suppliers of computer solutions for the
mariner", Vancouver, BC)
Waypoint (Computers, navigation equipment)
The Wireless Watchman (An onboard monitoring software security
system based on GPS that tracks a boat twenty four hours a day seven
days a week)
www.measureANYTHING.com (Online sales of instruments to
measure anything - flow, temperature, pressure, voltage, gas, more)
Xantic (Satellite communications service provider)
XM Satellite Radio Service
Port of Aabenraa, Dk |
Port of Aalborg, De |
Port of Aarhus, De |
Port of Abidjan, Ivory Coast |
Port of Abu Dhabi, UAE |
Port of Acajutla, Sv |
Port of Adak, AK |
Port of Adelaide, Au |
Port of Aden, Yemen |
Port of Ahimor, Bz |
Port of Åhus, Sw |
Port of Aktau, Ka |
Port of Akureyri, Is |
Port of Alatamira, Bz |
Port Alberni, BC, Ca |
Port of Alexandria, Eg |
Port of Algeciras, Sp |
Port of Altamira, Me |
Port of Amsterdam, Nl |
Port of Anacortes, WA |
Port of Ancona, It |
Port of Antwerp, Be |
Port of Apapa (Lagos), Ni |
Port of Apia, Samoa |
Port of Aqaba, Jordan |
Port of Aratu, Bz |
Port of Archangelsk, Ru |
Ports of Argentina |
Port of Arica, Cl |
Port of Aruba |
Port of Ashdod, Is |
Port of Ashtabula, OH |
Port of Assab, Eritrea |
Port of Astoria, OR |
Port of Auckland, Nz |
Port of Augusta, It |
Ports of Australia |
Port of Aveiro, Pt |
Port of Ayr, Scotland |
Port of Azov, Ru |
Port of Bahía Blanca, Ar |
Port of Balboa, Pa |
Port of Baltimore, MD |
Port of Bandirma, Tr |
Port of Bangkok, Th |
Port of Banjarmasin, Id |
Port of Bar, Yu |
Port of Barbados |
Port of Barcelona, Sp |
Port of Bari, It |
Port of Barra do Riacho, Bz |
Port of Barranquilla, Co |
Port of Basuo, China |
Port of Baton Rouge, LA |
Port of Bay City, TX |
Port of Bayonne, Fr |
Port of Bayside, NB, Ca |
Port of Beaumont, TX |
Port of Belawan, Indonesia |
Port of Belem, Bz |
Port of Belfast, Ir |
Port of Belgrade, Serbia |
Port of Belledune, Ca |
Port of Bellingham, WA |
Port of Benicia, CA |
Port of Benton, WA |
Port of Bergkvara, Sw |
Ports of Big Island, HI |
Port of Bilbao, Sp |
Port of Bintulu, My |
Port of Blyth, UK |
Port of Bordeaux, Fr |
Port of Borghavn, No |
Port of Boston, MA |
Port of Boulogne, Fr |
Port of Brake, Ge |
Ports in Brazil |
Port of Bremen, Ge |
Port of Brest, Fr |
Port of Brevik, No |
Port of Brindisi, It |
Port of Brisbane, Au |
Port of Bristol, UK |
Ports of Britain |
Ports of British Columbia. Ca |
British Virgin Islands |
Port of Brownsville, TX |
Port of Brunswick, GA |
Port of Buenaventura, Co |
Port of Buenos Aires, Ar |
Port of Bunbury, Au |
Port of Burgas, Bulgaria |
Port of Burnie, Au |
Port of Burns Harbor, IN |
Puerto Cabello, Ve |
Port of Cabo Rojo, DR |
Port of Cadiz, Sp |
Port of Caen, Fr |
Port of Calcutta, In |
Port of Callao, Peru |
Port of Camden, NJ |
Canada, Atlantic Region |
Port of Canaveral, FL |
Port of Cape Town, SA |
Port of Cartagena, Co |
Port of Cartagena, Sp |
Port of Catania, It |
Port of Cayman Island |
Port of Cebu, Ph |
Port of Ceuta, Sp |
Port of Chalna, Bg |
Port of Charleston, SC |
Port of Charlottetown, PEI, Ca |
Port of Chatham, NB, Ca |
Port of Chiba, Ja |
Port of Chimbote, Peru |
Ports of Chile |
Ports of China |
Port of Chittagong, Bg |
Port of Churchill, Ca |
Port of Civitavecchia, It |
Port of Coatzacoalcos, Me |
Ports of Colombia |
Port of Colombo, Sri Lanka |
Port of Columbus, OH |
Port of Comodoro Rivadavia, Ar |
Port of Constantza, Ro |
Port of Coos Bay, OR |
Port of Copenhagen, De |
Port of Corpus Christi, TX |
Port of Corinto, Ni |
Port of Coruna, Sp |
Port of Cotonou, Benin |
Port of Covenas, Co |
Port of Cristobal, Pa |
Ports of Croatia |
Port of Curaçao |
Port of Cutuco, Sv |
Port of Cyprus |
Port of Dakar, Senegal |
Dalhousie, NB, Ca |
Port of Dammam, Saudi Arabia |
Port of Da Nang, Vi |
Port of Dar es Salaam, Tz |
Port of Darwin, Au |
Port of Delfzijl, Nl |
Port of Detroit, MI |
Port of Diego Suarez, Madagascar |
Port of Djibouti |
Ports of Dominican Republic |
Port of Donetsk, Ukraine |
Port of Douala, Cameroon |
Port of Dover, UK |
Port of Dubai, UAE |
Port of Duluth, MN |
Port of Dunkirk, Fr |
Port of Durban, SA |
Port of Dutch Harbor, AK |
Port of East London, SA |
Ports of Eastern Canada |
Port of Eastport, ME |
Port of Echuca, Au |
Ports of Ecuador |
Port of Edan, Au |
Port of Eemshaven, Nl |
Port of Eilat, Is |
Port of Elbag, Pl |
Port of Emden, Ge |
Ports of England |
Port of Engure, Lv |
Port of Erie, PA |
Ports of Estonia |
Port of Everett, WA |
Port of Falkenberg, Sw |
Port of Falmouth, UK |
Ports of Finland |
Port of Fleetwood, UK |
Port of Fort Pierce, FL |
Port of Fourchon, LA |
Port of Fraser, Ca |
Port of Freeport, Bahamas |
Port of Freeport, TX |
Port of Fremantle, Au |
Port of Garfield, WA |
Port of Garston, UK |
Port of Gävle, Sw |
Port of Gdañsk, Pl |
Port of Gela, It |
Port of Gemlik, Tr |
Port of Genova, It |
Port of Gent, Be |
Port of Georgetown, PEI, Ca |
Port of Georgetown, SC |
Port of Geraldton, Au |
Ports of Germany |
Port of Gibraltar |
Port of Gladstone, Au |
Port of Göteborg, Sw |
Port of Gotland, Sw |
Port of Grays Harbor, WA |
Port of Great Yarmouth, UK |
Port of Grenland, No |
Port of Guam |
Port of Guanta, Ve |
Port of Guantánamo, Cu |
Ports of Guatemala |
Port of Guayaquil, Ec |
Port of Hachinohe, Ch |
Port of Hafnarfjordur, Iceland |
Port of Haifa, Is |
Port of HaiPhong, Vi |
Port of Hakata, Ja |
Port of Halifax, Ca |
Port of Halmstad, Sw |
Port of Hamburg, Ge |
Port of Hamilton, Ont., Ca |
Port of Hamina, Fi |
Port of Hampton Roads, VA |
Port of Hargshamn, Sw |
Port of Härnösand, Sw |
Port of Harlingen, TX |
Port of Harwich, UK |
Port of Hobart, Au |
Port of Helsingborg, Sw |
Port of Helsinki, Fi |
Port of Ho Chi Minh, Ve |
Port of Hodeidah, Yemen |
Port of Holyhead, Wales |
Port of Hong Kong |
Port of Honolulu, HI |
Port of Houston, TX |
Port of Hueneme, CA |
Port of Iberia, LA |
Port of Ilhéus, Bz |
Port of Iligan, Ph |
Port of Ilo, Peru |
Port of Ilyichevsk, Od |
Port of Immingham, UK |
Port of Inchon, Ko |
Ports in India |
Port of Inkoo, Fi |
Port of Itaituba, Bz |
Port of Itajai, Br |
Port of Itaqui, Bz |
Port of Iquique, Ch |
Port of Iquitos, Peru |
Port of Jacksonville, FL |
Port of Jamaica |
Port of Jawaharlal Nehru, In |
Port of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia |
Port of Johor, My |
Port of Jubail, Saudi Arabia |
Port of Kalama, WA |
Port of Kalmar, Sw |
Port of Kalundborg, De |
Port of Kaohsiung, Tw |
Port of Karachi, Pk |
Port of Karlshamns, Se |
Ports of Kauai, HI |
Port of Kaukaz, Ru |
Port of Kawasaki, Jp |
Port of Keelung, Tw |
Port of Kemaman, My |
Port Kembla, Au |
Port of Khor Fakkan, UAE |
Port of Kingscote, Au |
Port of Kingstown, S. V. |
Port of Kisarazu, Ja |
Port of Kitakyushu,Jp |
Port Klaipeda, Li |
Port of Klaksvik, F.I. |
Port of Klein Point, Au |
Port of Kobe,Jp |
Port of Kodiak, AK |
Port of Køge, Dk |
Port of Kokkola, Fi |
Port of Komatsushima, Ja |
Port of Koper, Sl |
Port of Köping, Sw |
Ports of Korea |
Port of Kotka, Fi |
Port of Krishnapatnam, In |
Port of Krotz Springs, LA |
Port of Kuching, My |
Port of Kumport, Tu |
Port of Kwangyang, Ko |
Port of Laem Chabang, Th |
Port of Lake Charles, LA |
Ports of Lake Maracaibo, Ve |
Port of Lake Providence, LA |
Port of Landskrona, Sw |
Port of La Rochelle-Pallice, Fr |
Port of Larne, Ir |
Port of Las Palmas, Gran Canaria |
Port of La Spezia, It |
Ports of Latvia |
Port of Lazaro Cardenas, Me |
Port of Le Havre, Fr |
Port of Leghorn, It |
Port of Leixões, Pt |
Port of Lewiston, ID |
Port of Liepaja, Lv |
Port of Limerick, Ir |
Port of Lipari, It |
Port of Lisbon, Pt |
Port of Little Rock, AR |
Port of Liverpool, UK |
Port of Livorno, It |
Port of Lobito, Angola |
Port of London, UK |
Port of Long Beach, CA |
Port of Lome, Togo |
Port of Lorain, OH |
Port of Los Angeles, CA |
Port of Loviisa, Fi |
Port of Luanda, An |
Port of Lübeck, Ge |
Port of Luleå, Sw |
Port of Lysekil, Se |
Port of Lyttelton, Nz |
Port of Macapa, Bz |
Port of Madeira, Pt |
Port of Madras, In |
Port of Madryn, Ar |
Port of Malabo, Eq. Guinea |
Ports of Malaysia |
Port of Malmoe, Sw |
Ports of Malta |
Port of Manatee, FL |
Port of Manila, Ph |
Port of Manistee, MI |
Port of Manzanillo, Me |
Port of Manzanillo, Pa |
Port of Maputo, Mo |
Port of Maraba, Bz |
Port of Mar Del Plata, Ar |
Port of Mariehamm, Fi |
Port Marlborough, Nz |
Port of Marmara, Tu |
Port of Marsaxlokk, Malta |
Port of Marseilles, Fr |
Port of Maslenica, Croatia |
Ports of Maui, HI |
Port of Mayotte, Fr |
Port of Mazara del Vallo, It |
Port of Mazatlan, Mx |
Port of Melbourne, Au |
Port of Memphis, TN |
Port of Messina, It |
Ports in Mexico |
Port of Miami, FL |
Port of Miiduranna, Es |
Port of Milazzo, It |
Port of Milwaukee, WI |
Port of Miramar, Bz |
Port of Miri, My |
Port of SE Missouri |
Port of Mobile, AL |
Port of Mombasa, Ke |
Port of Mongla, Bg |
Port of Montevideo, Uy |
Port of Montréal, Ca |
Port of Morehead City, NC |
Port of Morgan City, LA |
Port of Moss, No |
Port of Mossel Bay, SA |
Port of Mount Vernon, IN |
Port of Mulgrave, NS, Ca |
Port of Mumbai, In |
Port of Mustolad, Fi |
Port of Naantali, Fi |
Port of Nagoya, Ja |
Port of Nakhodka, Ru |
Port of Nanaimo, Ca |
Port of Napier, Nz |
Port of Newark, NJ |
Port of Newcastle, Au |
Port of Newcastle, NB, Ca |
Ports of Newfoundland, Ca |
Port of New Bedford, MA |
Port of New Caledonia |
Port of New Haven, CT |
Port of New London, CT |
Port of New Orleans, LA |
Port of New Plymouth, Nz |
Port of NY / NJ |
Ports of Niedersachsen, Ge |
Ports of Nigeria |
Port of Nikolayev, Ukraine |
Port of Norfolk, VA |
Port of Norrköping, Sw |
Ports of North Korea |
Port of Novorossiysk, Ru |
Port of Oakland, CA |
Port of Obidos, Bz |
Port of Odense, Dk |
Port of Odessa, Ru |
Port of Ogdensburg, NY |
Port of Onahama, Ja |
Port of Oostende, Be |
Port of Orange, TX |
Ports of Oregon |
Port of Oristano, It |
Port of Orkney Islands, UK |
Port of Örnsköldsvik, Sw |
Port of Oslo, No |
Port of Oswego, NY |
Port of Otago, Nz |
Port of Oulu, Fi |
Port of Oxelösund, Sw |
Port of Paita, Peru |
Port of Palacios, TX |
Port of Palenque, DR |
Port of Palermo, It |
Port of Paljassaare, Ee |
Port of Palm Beach, FL |
Ports of Panama |
Port of Panama City, FL |
Port of Paramonga, Peru |
Port of Paradip, India |
Port of Paranaguá, Br |
Port of Pärnu, Es |
Port of Pasajes, Sp |
Port of Pascagoula, MS |
Port of Pavilosta, Lv |
Port of Penneshaw, Au |
Port Penrhyn, Wales |
Port of Pensacola, FL |
Ports of Peru |
Port of Philadelphia, PA |
Philippine Ports |
Port of Pietarsaari, Fi |
Port of Pipavav, In |
Port of Piraeus, Gr |
Port of Piteå, Sw |
Port of Pittsburgh, PA |
Port of Pohang, Ko |
Port of Point Lisas, Trinidad |
Port of Pointe-Noire, Congo |
Port of Ponta da Madeira,Bz |
Port of Pori, Fi |
Port of Port Arthur, TX |
Port of Port Elizabeth, SA |
Port of Port Everglades, FL |
Port of Port Giles, Au |
Port of Port Harcourt, Ni |
Port of Port Hedland, Au |
Port Lavaca / Port Comfort, TX |
Port of Port MacKenzie, AK |
Port of Port Pirie, Au |
Port of Portland, Au |
Port of Portland, ME |
Port of Portland, OR |
Port of Port Lincoln, Au |
Port of Portopalo, It |
Port of Portsmouth, NH |
Ports of Portugal |
Port au Prince, Haiti |
Port of Prince Rupert, BC, Ca |
ProvPort, RI |
Port of Puerto Cabello, Ve |
Port of Puerto Caldera, Costa Rica |
Port of Puerto Cortés, Ho |
Port of Puerto Ordaz, Ve |
Port of Puerto Vallarta, Me |
Port of Pula, Cr |
Port of Purto Prodeco, Co |
Port of Pusan, Ko |
Port of Quebec, Ca |
Port of Quequen, Ar |
Port of Raahe, Fi |
Port of Ras Tanura, Saudi Arabia |
Port of Rauma, Fi |
Port of Ravenna, It |
Port of Recife, Br |
Port of Red Wing, MN |
Port of Redwood City, CA |
Port of Reykjavik, Iceland |
Port of Richards Bay, SA |
Port of Riga, Lv |
Port of Rijeka, Cr |
Port of Rio de Janeiro, Bz |
Port of Rio Grande, Bz |
Port of Roomassaare, Ee |
Port of Rosario, Ar |
Port of Rostock, Ge |
Port of Rotterdam, Nl |
Port of Rundvik, Sw |
Port of Sacramento, CA |
Port of St. Bernard, LA |
Port of Saigon, Vi |
Saint Lawrence Seaway |
Port of Saint John, NB, Ca |
Port of Saint Paul, MN |
Port of Saint Petersburg, Ru |
Port of St. Petersburg, FL |
Port of Sakata, Ja |
Port of Salacgriva, Lv |
Port of Saldanha, SA |
Port of Salvador, Bz |
Port of San Antonio, Ch |
Port of San Diego, CA |
Port of San Diego2, CA |
Port of San Francisco, CA |
Port of San Juan & Fajardo, PR |
Port of Santa Marta, Co |
Port of Santander, Sp |
Port of Santarém, Bz |
Port of Santo Domingo, DR |
Port of Santo Tomas, Gu |
Port of Santos, Bz |
Port of São Francisco, Bz |
Port of Sattahip, Th |
Ports of Saudi Arabia |
Port of Savannah, GA |
Port of Searsport, ME |
Port of Seattle, WA |
Port of Sept-Iles, Ca |
Port of Setúbal, Pt |
Port of Sevastopol |
Port of Sharjah, UAE |
Port of Sheerness, UK |
Port of Shetland Islands |
Port of Shimonoseki, Ja |
Port of Shreveport, LA |
Port of Sibu. My |
Ports of Sicily, It |
Port of Sihanoukville, Cm |
Port of Sines, Pt |
Port of Singapore |
Port of Siracusa, It |
Port of Skellefteå, Sw |
Port of Skikda, Ag |
Port of Skulte, Lv |
Port of Söderhamn, Sw |
Port of Södertälje, Sw |
Port of Sola, No |
Port of Sölvesborg, Sw |
Ports of South Africa |
Port of Southampton, UK |
Port of South Louisiana |
Port of Southport, Nz |
Port of Smålandshamnar, Sw |
Port of Sriracha, Th |
Port of Stanley, F.I. |
Port of Stenungsunds, Sw |
Port of Stockholm, Sw |
Port of Stockton, CA |
Port of Strömstad, Sw |
Suape Port Complex, Bz |
Port Sudan |
Port of Suez Canal, Eg |
Port of Sunderland, UK |
Port of Sundsvalls, Sw |
Ports of Sweden |
Port of Swinoujscie, Pl |
Port of Sydney, Au |
Port of Sydney, NS, Ca |
Port of Tacoma, WA |
Port of Taganrog, Ru |
Port of Talcahuano, Cl |
Port of Tallinn, Ee |
Port of Tampa, FL |
Port of Tampico, Me
Port of Tanjung Intan, Indonesia |
Port of Tanjung Pelepas, My |
Port of Tanjung Perak, Indonesia |
Port of Tarragona, Sp |
Port of Tauranga, Nz |
Port of Teesport, UK |
Terneuzen Canal |
Port of Texas City, TX |
Ports of Thailand |
Port of Thessaloniki, Gr |
Port of Thevenard, Au |
Port of Thunder Bay, Ca |
Port of Tianjin, Ch |
Port of Tilbury, UK |
Port of Timaru, Nz |
Port of Toledo, OH |
Port of Toronto, Ca |
Port of Tornio, Fi |
Port of Trapani, It |
Port of Trelleborg, Sw |
Ports of Tri-Cities, WA |
Port of Trieste, It |
Ports of Trinidad/Tabago |
Port of Tuapse, Ru |
Port of Tubarão, Bz |
Port of Tulsa, OK |
Ports of Turkey |
Port of Turku, Fi |
Port of Tuticorin, In |
Port of Tuxpan, Mx |
Port of Ubu, Bz |
Port of Uddevalla, Se |
Port of Umatilla, OR |
Port of Umm`Said, Qatar |
US-Inland Rivers |
US Virgin Islands |
Port of Ushuaia, Ar |
Port of Ust-Luga, Ru |
Port of Valdez, AK |
Port of Valencia, Sp |
Port of Valleyfield, Ca |
Port of Vancouver, BC, Ca |
Port of Vancouver, WA |
Port of Vänerhamn, Sw |
Port of Valparaiso, Cl |
Port of Varberg, Sw |
Port of Varna, Bu |
Port of Venice, It |
Port of Ventspils, Lv |
Port of Veracruz, Me |
Ports of Vietnam |
Port of Vila do Conde, Bz |
Port of Villagarcia, Sp |
Port of Visby, Sw |
Port of Vitória, Bz |
Port of Vladivostok, Ru |
Port of Volos, Gr |
Port of Vostochny, Ru |
Port of Vyborg, Ru |
Port of Vysotsk, Ru |
Port of Wallaroo, Au |
Port of Wallhamn, Sw |
Port of Wellington, Nz |
Port of Westport, Nz |
Ports of West Virginia |
Port of Whitby, UK |
Port of Whitman County, WA |
Port of Willapa Harbor, WA |
Port of Wilmington, DE |
Port of Wilmington, NC |
Port of Windsor, Ontario, Ca |
Port of Wismar, Ge |
Port of Yalta, UK |
Port of Yamba, Au |
Port of Yanbu, Saudi Arabia |
Port of Yarmouth, UK |
Port of Yokohama, Ja |
Port of Yosu, Ko |
Port of Ystad, Sw |
Port of Zamboanga City, Ph |
Port Zayed, UAE |
Port of Zeebrugge, Be |
Zeeland Netherlands |
Suez Canal The
Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition ... Arab. Qanat as Suways, waterway
of Egypt extending from Port Said to Port Tawfiq (near Suez) and
connecting the Mediterranean Sea with the Gulf of Suez and thence with
the Red Sea. The canal is somewhat more than 100 mi (160 km) long.
Proceeding S from Port Said, it runs in an almost undeviating ...
Suez Canal
World Encyclopedia ... Suez Canal Waterway in Egypt linking Port Said on
the Mediterranean Sea with the Gulf of Suez and the Red Sea. The 169km
(105mi) -long canal was planned and built (185969) by the Suez Canal
Company under the supervision of French canal builder Ferdinand de
Lesseps . In 1875, the British ...
Suez Canal A
Dictionary of World History ... Suez Canal A shipping canal 171 km (106
miles) long and without locks connecting the Mediterranean (at Port
Said) with the Red Sea, constructed between 1859 and 1869 by Ferdinand
de Lesseps. The canal, now important for Egypt's economy as providing
the shortest route for international sea traffic ...
Suez The
Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition ... , city (1996 pop. 417,610), NE
Egypt, at the northern end of the Gulf of Suez and at the southern
terminus of the Suez Canal. An important port with extensive facilities,
it is also a refueling station, a holding area for ships entering the
canal, and a center for the storage and refining of oil. ...
Suez Crisis
Britannica Concise Encyclopedia ... (1956) International crisis that
arose when Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the Suez
Canal after Western countries withdrew promised financial aid to build
the Aswan High Dam . The French and British, who had controlling
interests in the company that owned the canal, sent troops ...
Gulf of Suez
Britannica Concise Encyclopedia ... Northwestern extension of the Red
Sea. It is located between Africa and the Sinai Peninsula and is roughly
195 mi (314 km) long and 1220 mi (1932 km) wide. Linked to the
Mediterranean Sea by the Suez Canal , it is an important shipping route.
In the 1970s and '80s, oil was discovered at ...
Suez War A
Dictionary of World History ... Suez War (1956) A military conflict
involving British, French, Israeli, and Egyptian forces. It arose from
the nationalization of the SUEZ CANAL Company by Egypt in 1956. When
attempts to establish an international authority to operate the Canal
failed, Britain and France entered into a military ...
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition ... an artificial waterway
constructed for navigation or for the movement of water. The digging of
canals for irrigation probably dates back to the beginnings of
agriculture, and traces of canals have been found in the regions of
ancient civilizations. Canals are also used to provide municipal and ...
Egypt The
Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition ... , Arab. Misr, biblical Mizraim,
officially Arab Republic of Egypt, republic (2005 est. pop. 77,506,000),
386,659 sq mi (1,001,449 sq km), NE Africa and SW Asia. It borders on
the Mediterranean Sea in the north, Israel and the Red Sea in the east,
Sudan in the south, and Libya in the west. Egypt's ...
Port Said The
Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition ... or Bur Said , city (1986 pop.
469,533), NE Egypt, a port on the Mediterranean Sea at the entrance to
the Suez Canal. It is a fueling point for ships using the canal and is
the site of the main workshops of the canal administration. Salt is
produced in Port Said by evaporating seawater, and there is ...
Sinai The
Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition ... , triangular peninsula,
c.23,000 sq mi (59,570 sq km), NE Egypt. It is c.230 mi (370 km) long
and 150 mi (240 km) wide and extends north into a broad isthmus linking
Africa and Asia. Sinai is bounded on the E by the Gulf of Aqaba and on
the W by the Gulf of Suez, which is linked to the ...
Chesney, Francis Rawdon
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition ... , 1789-1872, British
soldier and explorer in Asia. His examination of a route for the Suez
Canal (1829) demonstrated the feasibility of building a canal and led
the vicomte de Lesseps to undertake the project. In 1835, Chesney
commanded an expedition to survey N Syria. He proved the navigability of
Ismailia The
Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition ... or Al Ismailiyah , city (1986
est. pop. 212,759), capital of Ismailia governorate, NE Egypt. It is the
seat of the Suez Canal administration. Extensive irrigation is used for
growing fruits and vegetables; livestock is raised. Ismailia was founded
in 1863 by Ferdinand de Lesseps , who used it as ...
Hay-Pauncefote Treaties
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition ... , negotiated in 1899 and
1901 by Secretary of State John Hay, for the United States, and Lord
Pauncefote of Preston , British ambassador to the United States, for
Great Britain, with the object of modifying the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty ,
concerning the construction of an Isthmian canal in Central ...
Red Sea World
Encyclopedia ... Red Sea Narrow arm of the Indian Ocean between ne
Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, connected to the Mediterranean Sea by
the Gulf of Suez and the Suez Canal. With the building of vessels too
large for the canal and the construction of pipelines, the Red Sea's
importance as a trade route ...
Sinai World
Encyclopedia ... Sinai Peninsula constituting a protectorate of Egypt,
bounded by the Gulf of Suez and the Suez Canal ( w ), the Gulf of Aqaba
and the Negev Desert of Israel ( e ), the Mediterranean Sea ( n ), and
the Red Sea ( s ). It is a barren plateau region, sandy in the n ,
rising to granite ridges in the s , ...